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Porcelain Crowns – The Aesthetic Option For Replacing Missing Teeth

Posted on March 20 2013

In dentistry, dental crowns or caps are used to protect teeth that are damaged, broken or fractured. By using a porcelain crown, the tooth’s function is restored. These are shaped like the original tooth and placed over the existing tooth to cover its surface and made to appear natural.

Why are crowns used?

Dentists in Tampa recommend the use of a crown for the following reasons:

  • Protecting a decayed tooth from breaking or to repair a cracked tooth
  • To restore a broken or worn tooth
  • To cover and provide support to a recently filled tooth where a large portion of the tooth had to be drilled away
  • To keep a dental bridge in position
  • To camouflage a stained tooth
  • To cover a dental implant and restore a missing tooth
  • Aesthetics


The use of crowns is not restricted to adults. Children may also be advised to use a crown to save a decayed tooth that cannot be filled. Children are especially prone to tooth decay due to inadequate dental care.

It must be remembered that crowns are not the best choice for aesthetics alone, since a part of the original tooth has to be removed to accommodate the cap. They are the best option only when the original tooth is not strong enough.

Types of Crowns Available

Crowns can be made of a variety of materials ranging from metal to composite resin to porcelain or ceramic and the choice can be made based on one’s needs and budget. Ceramic material can be shaped to look exactly like the natural tooth enamel and has the advantage of being strong, completely covering the tooth to be restored.

  • Stainless steel caps are prefabricated based on the impression taken by the dentist and used as a temporary cap until the permanent one is ready. These are generally used for children as several visits are not necessary and the cap protects the tooth from decay. When the permanent tooth grows up the cap comes off on its own.
  • Metal caps are made of gold, palladium, nickel or chromium alloys. These are preferred as they prevent the tooth from wearing off. They are also durable and resilient to biting and chewing. Also, they do not easily chip or break. The only problem is they look conspicuous and usually preferred for the back molars.
  • Porcelain-metal combination crowns can be made to be an exact match of your teeth. However, the porcelain part of the tooth is likely to break or chip. Sometimes the metal part is visible, and this can look ugly especially on those with receding gums. They are considered best for teeth that are in front or back.
  • The full resin dental cap is cost effective but tends to wear quickly and is prone to fractures.
  • Full ceramic caps look and feel natural and are recommended for those who are allergic to other materials. They do tend to be weaker than the ceramic-metal combination although they are suitable for the front.

Besides the above, there are also permanent and temporary caps. The temporary caps usually made of acrylic or steel are easy create at the dentist’s clinic while the permanent caps must be made at the laboratory.

The dentist is the best judge of the ideal option for your needs as the primary intention is to save the tooth.

Porcelain Crowns

Porcelain Crowns

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